~* Gathering December *~
December is a month which full of happening occasion like Christmas & New Year celebration. So, it's Potluck time at Alice's house~!
* Potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group. :)

yummy dinner :P

special main course, thx Jini & Wei Seng!

lovely dessert, Hazelnut with black sesame! :*
12 years of friendship remaining...
additional 4 handsome members joined into our group...
and also a new expecting member still in mommy's tummy...
yummy dinner with self-made spaghetti, mushroom soup, chicken wings, satay, soy milk with gingko nuts and snow fungus dessert, and last but not least, hazelnut with black sesame cake!
gents playing mahjong while the ladies chit-chatting non-stop...
discussing about bride-to-be soon...
discussing about expecting trips to visit...
discussing about next gathering during CNY...
and many many more!
it's great to see you guys tonight!
I really enjoyed very much! :)

*my dear was absent for the Bali'08 trip*